Reducing health-care-associated infection I-CMAO configuration: infrastructural system – Welsh Government

Intervention1000 Lives+ national programme
ContextWelsh Government
  • Institutional isomorphism – coercive, mimetic and normative
  • Coherence, cognitive participation and reflexive monitoring
Agency and institutional workNormalisation: coupling to 1000 Lives+ and RHAIHabituation: decoupling to 1000 Lives+ and RHAI
  • Agency – formalisation
  • Institutional work – maintenance
  • Leadership: distributed across policy and professional domains
  • Team work: policy leads and professional engagement across aligned organisations
  • Encultured values: centred on defining RHAI and WHAIP as mandated evidence-based practices
  • Decoupling limited by structural and cultural constraints within infrastructural system, specifically pre-existing mandated WHAIP monitoring
Outcome1000 Lives+ national programme and RHAI institutionalised into policy processes via WHAIP
Exemplar transcriptions
  • Agency – formalisation
  • Institutional work – creation
  • 8:01 (T034) – Coupling
  • 8:02 (T035) – Decoupling
  • 8:28 (T020) – Decoupling

From: Chapter 8, Reducing Health-care-Associated Infection

Cover of A realist analysis of hospital patient safety in Wales: applied learning for alternative contexts from a multisite case study
A realist analysis of hospital patient safety in Wales: applied learning for alternative contexts from a multisite case study.
Health Services and Delivery Research, No. 3.40.
Herepath A, Kitchener M, Waring J.
Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2015 Sep.
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