Table F5Quality assessment of systematic reviews of opioids

Author, Year“A priori” design provided?Duplicate study selection and data abstraction?
  1. Study selection
  2. Data abstraction
Comprehensive literature search performed?Non-English language studies considered for inclusion?Conducted searches for unpublished (gray) literature?List of included studies provided?List of excluded studies provided with reasons?Characteristics of the included studies provided?Scientific quality of included studies:
  1. Assessed?
  2. Documented?
Sensitivity analyses or stratified analyses conducted according to study quality?Study conclusions supported by the evidence? (Was study quality considered in the synthesis?)Conflict of interest stated?
  1. Systematic Review
  2. Individual Studies
Multidisciplinary systematic review team?Quality Rating
Carson, 2011Yes
  1. Unclear
  2. Yes
YesNoNoYesNo- only 4 of 38 excluded full text articles were listed in Appendix DYes
  1. Yes
Qualitatively, yesYes
  1. Systematic review: Yes
Chaparro, 2013YesYes to bothYesYesNoYesYes- but only for 36 of 76 excluded articlesYesYes to bothNo, except for analysis 4.1, examining results of studies with “enhanced enrollment”, meaning patients were enrolled only if they benefitted from opioids and tolerated side effects, then were randomized to opioid withdrawal.Yes
  1. Systematic review: Yes
  2. Individual studies: only for strong opioids

Please see Appendix C. Included Studies for full study references.

From: Appendix F, Quality Assessment

Cover of Noninvasive Treatments for Low Back Pain
Noninvasive Treatments for Low Back Pain [Internet].
Comparative Effectiveness Reviews, No. 169.
Chou R, Deyo R, Friedly J, et al.

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.