Table 4.

2016 CPIC Dosing recommendations for amitriptyline based on CYP2C19 phenotype

PhenotypeImplicationTherapeutic recommendation
CYP2C19 ultrarapid metabolizer and CYP2C19 rapid metabolizerIncreased metabolism of tertiary amines as compared to normal metabolizers
Greater conversion of tertiary amines to secondary amines may affect response or side effects
Avoid tertiary amine use due to potential for sub-optimal response. Consider alternative drug not metabolized by CYP2C19. TCAs without major CYP2C19 metabolism include the secondary amines nortriptyline and desipramine.
If a tertiary amine is warranted, utilize therapeutic drug monitoring to guide dose adjustmentsa.
CYP2C19 normal metabolizerNormal metabolism of tertiary aminesInitiate therapy with recommended starting doseb.
CYP2C19 intermediate metabolizerReduced metabolism of tertiary amines compared to normal metabolizersInitiate therapy with recommended starting doseb.
CYP2C19 poor metabolizerGreatly reduced metabolism of tertiary amines compared to normal metabolizersAvoid tertiary amine use due to potential for sub-optimal response.
Consider alternative drug not metabolized by CYP2C19. TCAs without major CYP2C19 metabolism include the secondary amines nortriptyline and desipramine.
For tertiary amines, consider a 50% reduction of recommended starting doseb. Utilize therapeutic drug monitoring to guide dose adjustmentsa.
Decreased conversion of tertiary amines to secondary amines may affect response or side effects

Dosing recommendations apply only to higher initial doses of amitriptyline for treatment of conditions such as depression. The therapeutic recommendations for amitriptyline are classified as “strong” for normal and intermediate CYP2C19 metabolizers, “moderate” for poor metabolizers, and “optional” for ultrarapid metabolizers.


Titrate dose to observed clinical response with symptom improvement and minimal (if any) side effects).


Patients may receive an initial low dose of tricyclic, which is then increased over several days to the recommended steady-state dose. The starting dose in this guideline refers to the recommended steady-state dose.

Table has been adapted from Hicks J.K., Sangkuhl K., Swen J.J., Ellingrod V.L., Müller D.J., Shimoda K., Bishop J.R., Kharasch E.D., Skaar T.C., Gaedigk A., Dunnenberger H.M., Klein T.E., Caudle K.E. Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium Guideline (CPIC®) for CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 Genotypes and Dosing of Tricyclic Antidepressants: 2016 Update. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. 2016 Dec 20 [Epub ahead of print] (2).

From: Amitriptyline Therapy and CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 Genotype

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Medical Genetics Summaries [Internet].
Pratt VM, Scott SA, Pirmohamed M, et al., editors.
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