
Minimal Diagnostic Criteria Used in Select Studies Assessing Risk Factors for CFM

StudyMinimal Inclusion Criteria for Participants
Grabb [1965], Rollnick & Kaye [1983], Lawson et al [2002], Wieczorek et al [2007]Microtia
Taysi et al [1983] Skin tags and a family history of features of hemifacial microsomia
Rollnick [1988] Microtia and/or preauricular tags
Kaye et al [1992] Microtia and mandibular hypoplasia
Araneta et al [1997] (1) Microtia, anotia, or preauricular tags AND (2) hypoplasia of the mandible or select physical features of Goldenhar syndrome
Maris et al [1999] Hemifacial microsomia, followed at a dental clinic affiliated with a craniofacial center
Kelberman et al [2001] Skin tags and a family history of features of hemifacial microsomia
Wang et al [2002] Any ear anomaly or at least 2 features of oculoauricular-vertebral spectrum
Werler et al [2004a] Hemifacial microsomia, facial asymmetry, Goldenhar syndrome, oculoauricular-vertebral syndrome as diagnosed by a craniofacial geneticist or surgeon
Werler et al [2004b] Hemifacial microsomia, facial asymmetry, Goldenhar syndrome, or unilateral anotia/microtia as diagnosed by a craniofacial geneticist or surgeon
Tasse et al [2005], Tasse et al [2007]Microtia or hemifacial microsomia with preauricular tags
Van Bennekom et al [2013] Microtia
Barisic et al [2014] ICD9/BPA, ICD10/BPA and OMIM codes assigned to OAVS, Goldenhar syndrome, and hemifacial microsomia


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Adam MP, Feldman J, Mirzaa GM, et al., editors.
Seattle (WA): University of Washington, Seattle; 1993-2024.
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