Table 7Characteristics of included cognitive intervention trials

StudyArm (N)Duration of Treatment (Followup)Population Trauma TypeBaseline PTSD SeverityaMean Age (Y)Percent FemalePercent Non-whiteRisk of Bias
Chard et al., 20052CPT (36)
MA (35)
17 weeks (3 and 12 months)Female
Childhood sexual abuse
65.5 to 68.33310019Medium
Ehlers et al., 20035CT (28)
SHB (28)
RA (29)
Mean of 9 weeks, 0 to 3 booster sessions (3, 6, and 9 months)Male and female
PDS (frequency) 30.0
PDS (distress) 30.8
Ehlers et al., 20058CT (14)
WL (14)
4 to 12 weeks plus up to 3 monthly boosters (3 and 6 months)Male and female
CAPS (frequency) 31.6 to 42.0
CAPS (intensity) 29.0 to 36.5
Ehlers et al., 20149Intensive CT (30)
Standard CT (31)
Supportive Therapy (30)
WL (30)
14 weeks (27 weeks, 40 weeks for all but WL)Chronic PTSD
Forbes et al., 20124CPT (30)
TAU (29)
12 weeks (3 months)Male and female
Military related
65.8 to 75.55330Medium
Galovski et al., 20126Modified CPT (53)
Symptom-monitoring delayed treatment (47)
4–18 sessions for Modified CPT arm; 10 weeks for WL arm (followup data gathered after cross-over not reported).Physical/sexual assault (as a child or an adult)74 to 77406958Medium
Marks et al., 1998122
Lovell, et al., 2001123
PE (23)
CR (13)
CR+PE (24)
Relax (21)
10 sessionsb (mean of 16 weeks), (1, 3, and 6 months)Male and female
Maxwell et al., 2016124MEST (8)
CPT (8)
6 weeks (post, 3 months)Male and female
54.13 to 63.50
Monson et al., 20061CPT (30)
WL (30)
10 weeks (1 month)Male and female
76.7 to 79.154104Medium
Mueser et al., 20087CT (54)
UC (54)
12 to 16 sessions (post)bMale and female
74.5 to 76.2447916Medium
Resick et al., 20023
Resick, et al., 2003125
Resick, et al., 2012126
CPT (62)
PE (62)
MA (47)
6 weeks (3 and 9 months, 5 to 10 years)Female
Sexual assault
69.9 to 76.63210029Medium
Resick et al., 2015127, 128Group CPT-C (56)
Group PCT (52)
6 weeks (2 weeks post-tx, 6 months after start of treatment, 12 months after start of treatment)Military trauma (although could also have had PTSD attributed to other previous trauma)PCL-S
58 to 59
Tarrier et al., 1999129, 130IE (35)
CT (37)
16 sessions (112 days)
(6 and 12 months)
Male and female
71.1 to 77.83942NRMedium
Wells et al., 201419MCT (11)
PE (11)
WL (10)
8 weekly sessions (post)MixedPDS
33 to 38

Data reported are mean CAPS total or range of mean CAPS total scores across groups unless otherwise specified.


Number of treatment sessions is reported when duration of treatment was not specified.

CAPS = Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale; CPT = cognitive processing therapy; CT = cognitive therapy; CR = cognitive restructuring; IE = imaginal exposure; MA = minimal attention (a type of wait-list group); MCT = meta cognitive therapy; MEST = memory specificity training; MPSS-SR = Modified PTSD Symptom Scale-Self-Report; MVA = motor vehicle accident; N = total number randomized/assigned to intervention and control groups; NR = not reported; PCT = present-centered therapy; PDS = Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale; PE = prolonged exposure; PTSD = posttraumatic stress disorder; RA = repeated assessments (a type of wait-list group); SHB = self-help booklet based on principles of CBT; TAU = treatment as usual; UC = usual care; WL = wait-list; y = year.

From: Results

Cover of Psychological and Pharmacological Treatments for Adults With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Systematic Review Update
Psychological and Pharmacological Treatments for Adults With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Systematic Review Update [Internet].
Comparative Effectiveness Review, No. 207.
Forman-Hoffman V, Middleton JC, Feltner C, et al.

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