• Clinicians must report confirmed cases of HIV according to New York State Law (see NYSDOH Provider Reporting & Partner Services).
  • Offer assistance notifying partners or refer patients to other sources for partner notification assistance (see New York City Health Contact Notification Assistance Program).
  • Reporting of suspected seroconversion on PrEP: Clinicians who manage the care of patients on PrEP are strongly encouraged to immediately report any cases of suspected PrEP/PEP breakthrough HIV infection.
    • In New York City: Report cases to the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene immediately by calling 212-442-3388 and following the directions detailed in the attached Health Alert.
    • Rest of state:  Report cases to the NYSDOH by calling 518-474-4284 or using the Medical Provider Report Form (DOH-4189) and contacting the local Partner Services Program to discuss the case (see November 2016 NYSDOH/NYC Health Dear Colleague Letter).

From: PrEP to Prevent HIV and Promote Sexual Health

Cover of PrEP to Prevent HIV and Promote Sexual Health
PrEP to Prevent HIV and Promote Sexual Health [Internet].
Vail RM, Fine SM, McGowan JP, et al.
Baltimore (MD): Johns Hopkins University; 2022 May.
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