Table 3Studies excluded from the clinical review

StudyExclusion reason
Apthorp 1998 1Incorrect interventions. MRI not in protocol
Benamore 2005 2Incorrect interventions. CT not in protocol
Blois 20123Incorrect comparison (GP screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm versus ultrasound technician)
Bui 200441/3 of population under 16 years old.
Bury 19875Narrative paper
Carey 19896No outcomes of interest
Castro 20077Incorrect interventions (retinal digital images)
Chan 19998Inappropriate comparison
Chaptini 20109Incorrect interventions (ambulatory cardiac single-photon emission computed tomography)
Collie 1999 10Incorrect interventions. MRI not in protocol
Detar 196011Qualitative study
Duncan 200512Not a comparative study
Durham 199913Not a comparative study
Farrell 197714Not a comparative study
Fassiadis 200515Incorrect interventions (screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm)
Frohwein 200116Narrative paper
Geary 200717Not review population
Gravil 199818Incorrect comparison (treated in hospital versus treated at home)
Guldbrandt 201519Incorrect population (lung cancer patients)
Haber 197820Narrative paper
Hahn 198821Narrative paper
Halvorsen 198922Incorrect comparison (GP versus radiologist interpretation)
Hammond 200023Narrative
Hawksworth 195124Case series
Howard 2005 25Incorrect interventions. Neuroimaging not in protocol
Hussain 199927Incorrect comparison (comparing images sent via differing transition methods)
Hussain 200426No outcomes of interest
Ingeman 201528No outcomes of interest
Katerndahl 198229Narrative
Kiuru 200230Incorrect comparison (GP sending some x-rays to hospital for interpretation versus sending all).
Kuritzky 198731Incorrect interventions (interpretation of x-rays by GP versus radiologist)
Laerum 200132Narrative
Lahde 200233Not an intervention study
Laine 199834Incorrect comparison (comparing ultrasound, clinical exam and radiography)
Laws 200635Not a comparative study. No outcomes of interest.
Leiro-fernandez 201436Incorrect interventions (system to alert pulmonologists of lung cancer suspicion)
Li 199937Incorrect interventions (screening for glaucoma)
Li 201138Incorrect interventions (ocular telehealth)
Maurin 201439Not review population
Mclain 198540Inappropriate comparison (GP versus radiologist interpretation)
Merrington 198141Narrative
Miller 200642Not a comparative study
Mjolstad 201243Inappropriate comparison
Morioka 200744No outcomes of interest
Olayiwola 201145Incorrect interventions
Osmond 197746Narrative
Oswald 196447Narrative
Oswald 196448Narrative
Paakkala 198849Inappropriate comparison (GP versus radiologist interpretation)
Pavlicek 199950No outcomes of interest
Pickhardt 200651Not a comparative study
Qureshi 200152Does not match protocol (diagnostic accuracy of Doppler ultrasound)
Rawson 196553Inappropriate comparison (GP versus hospital clinician)
Redmond 201354Inappropriate comparison (GP versus radiologist interpretation)
Rogers 201055Narrative paper
Romero-aroca 201056Incorrect interventions (screening for retinopathy)
Smith 199357Not a comparative study
Speets 200658Not a comparative study
Stoddart 198959Not a comparative study
Strasser 1987A60Unclear when results were received by the GP for control group.
Suramo 200261Incorrect interventions (accuracy of ultrasound scans performed by GPs)
Taylor 200762Incorrect interventions (retinopathy screening)
Thomas 2010 63Incorrect interventions. CT not in protocol
Verstraete 200864Incorrect interventions (MRI)
Yates 201670Incorrect comparison (access versus no access)
Waite 200665Incorrect interventions (CT)
Weiner 200566Inappropriate comparison
Whitfield 197367No outcomes of interest
Wilson 200568Incorrect interventions (retinal imaging)
Wordsworth 200269No outcomes of interest

From: Chapter 8, GP access to radiology

Cover of Emergency and acute medical care in over 16s: service delivery and organisation
Emergency and acute medical care in over 16s: service delivery and organisation.
NICE Guideline, No. 94.
National Guideline Centre (UK).
Copyright © NICE 2018.

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