Table 8Quarterly YES Health Member Survey: Survey Topics, Questions, and Responses

Survey topic and questionsSelected responses
Quarter 1: Your care plan and care team Total n = 25
2Before today, has anyone explained to you what a care plan is?Yes = 17/25
3Before today, has anyone explained to you what a care team is?Yes = 17/25
4Do you know who your primary care provider is?Yes = 25
5Do you have a care team?No = 4/25; not sure = 5/25
6Did you choose your own care team?6/20 persons with care team reported choosing care team
7Has your whole care team ever met as a group?10/20 persons with care team said team had met as a group
8Did you help develop your care plan?No = 8/24; not sure = 1/24
9How did you help develop your care plan?a
10Do you have anything else to add about your care team or care plan?a
Quarter 2: Communication n = 29
2Are you usually able to promptly reach your primary care provider, behavioral health specialist, or care coordinator when you need to speak to him or her?Yes = 22/29
3Do you engage in conversations with your team about recovery, lifestyle goals, or important relationships or other information that impacts the quality of your life?Yes = 24/29
4What qualities in a provider make it easier for you to share personal information (check all that apply)?bBeing a good listener (24/29) and nonjudgmental (21/29) were most important qualities
5Do you feel safe sharing personal information about yourself with your current primary care provider or behavioral health specialist?Yes = 26/29
6Why don't you feel comfortable sharing information?c
7adWhich of these types of information do you feel comfortable sharing with them (check all that apply)?
7bDo you feel comfortable sharing these types of information with them?0/11 persons felt uncomfortable sharing any of this type of information with their provider
What medication you are taking, and if you are taking it as prescribed
Whether you feel depressed or suicidal
Whether you feel manic
Your sexual practices
Your use of drugs and alcohol
Paranoia or intrusive thoughts
Quarter 3: IL-LTSS n = 24
2Before reading the definition at the start of this survey, had you heard of IL-LTSS coordinator services?Yes = 9/24; no = 14/24; not sure = 1/24
3Have you ever been offered the opportunity to work with an IL-LTSS coordinator?Yes = 11/24; no = 13/24
4Were you given the information you needed to make an informed decision about whether you wanted an IL-LTSS coordinator?Yes = 11/24; no = 11/24; not sure = 2/24
5Are you currently working with an IL-LTSS coordinator?Yes = 11/23; no = 10/23; not sure = 2/23; 1 person skipped this question
6How happy are you with the IL-LTSS coordinator (or coordinators) that you have worked with?Very happy = 6/8; neutral = 1/8; very unhappy = 1/8; 3 persons skipped this question
7Has your IL-LTSS coordinator assisted you in getting long-term support and/or services? These could include housing resources, transportation, and assistance with employment.Yes = 5/8; no = 3/8; 3 persons skipped this question
8Have you ever been denied support or services that you requested through your IL-LTSS coordinator?Yes = 2/8; no = 6/8; 3 persons skipped this question
9What services were you denied?a1 person answered a mobile health device with a fall guard; another said he or she would not say until under oath
10Did your IL-LTSS coordinator help you try to get the services you were denied?eYes = 1/2; no = 1/2
11Would you want to receive IL-LTSS coordinator services in the future?Yes = 9/14; no = 1/14; not sure = 4/14; 10 persons skipped this question
12Do you have anything else to tell us about IL-LTSS coordinators and/or services and supports (including suggestions for how the coordinator role could be improved?)a3 persons were happy with it, 1 person felt a need for in-home counseling services, and 1 person said One Care should consider services on a case-by-case basis
Quarter 4: Transportation n = 36
2What forms of transportation do you use (check all that apply)?fTransportation paid by health care provider (23/35) and being driven by friends or family or a PCA (14/35) were the most common responses.
3Which of the following do you regularly use transportation to access (check all that apply)?gDoctors' appointments (31/35) and visiting friends and family (18/35) were the most common responses.
4How reliable is your transportation?Very reliable = 24/35; somewhat reliable = 6/35; somewhat unreliable = 4/35; very unreliable = 1/35
5How important is access to transportation to your quality of life?Extremely important = 27/35; quite important = 5/35; somewhat important = 2/35; not very important = 1/35
6Are you provided transportation as part of your One Care coverage?Yes = 24/35; no = 11/35; 1 person skipped the question
7What is the name of the company that provides your One Care transportation? If you don't know, write “don't know.”Answers varied; 6 persons did not know; 2 used instant transportation
8What do you use your One Care provided transportation for (check all that apply)?hThe main usage was to travel to and from doctors' appointments (24/24). The second main usage was to meet with their care coordinator or other members of the care team (7/24).
9Is the transportation provided by One Care your primary or sole way of getting to medical appointments?Yes = 19/23; no = 4/23; 13 persons skipped this question
10How difficult is it to arrange transportation through this service?Very easy = 11/24; fairly easy = 5/24; fairly difficult = 6/24; very difficult = 2/24; 12 persons skipped this question
11Are the rides you receive through One Care usually on time?Always on time = 11/23; usually on time = 9/23; sometimes on time = 2/23; rarely on time = 1/23; 13 persons skipped this question
12Have you ever missed medical appointments because rides are late or do not arrive?Never = 12/23; rarely = 8/23; sometimes = 2/23; often = 1/23; 13 persons skipped this question
13How helpful are providers when you miss or are late for appointments due to transportation issues?Not at all helpful = 2/9; somewhat helpful = 4/9; fairly helpful = 1/9; very helpful = 2/9; 27 persons skipped this question
14Has your care coordinator been helpful when transportation is late or does not show up?They have not been helpful = 1/12; they have been somewhat helpful 2/12; they have been very helpful 5/12; I have not discussed the issue with them = 4/12; 24 persons skipped this question
15Have you contacted the One Care ombudsman about transportation issues?Yes = 5/12; no = 7/12; 24 persons skipped this question
16Who makes decisions about how you can use the One Care transportation service (check all that apply)?iMe = 11/24; my care coordinator = 9/24; the One Care plan itself = 9/24; 12 persons skipped this question
17How has transportation impacted your relationship with your providers?a.
18Overall, how do you feel about the transportation service provided through One Care?a
19Were you aware transportation services were available through One Care?Yes, but I don't want them = 6/9; yes, and I would want them but have not applied = 1/9; yes, I applied and was rejected = 1/9; no, and I would be interested in applying for these benefits = 1/9; 27 persons skipped this question
20Do you have anything else to tell us about transportation?a

Abbreviations: IL-LTSS, Independent Living-Long-term Services and Supports; PCA, personal care attendant.

aOpen-ended response.

bResponse categories: respect my privacy, nonjudgmental, interested in what I have to say, good listener, other (please specify).

cResponse categories: I'm afraid I'll be judged, I do not feel emotionally safe with my provider, I don't think they will provide what I am looking for, other (please specify).

dQuestion 7a was the original phrasing of the question using the response categories shown in question 7b below. Two DPC staff members realized, while conducting the survey by telephone, that some respondents felt a particular response in the original wording did not apply to them. DCP therefore changed wording of the question (now 7b), which asks persons to answer “yes,” “no,” or “not applicable” to each item. Eleven persons answered this version of the question.

eAfter this question, the online survey directed respondents to go to a website for information about One Care LTSS services.

fResponse categories: drive a vehicle that you own, drive a vehicle owned by someone else, being driven by friends and family or a PCA, subway, bus, commuter rail, walking, biking, app-based transportation services (eg, Uber, Lyft, Fasten), standard taxis (that you pay for yourself), regional paratransit service (such as The Ride, Worcester Paratransit, or PVTA Paratransit), transportation (such as vans or taxis) paid for by your health care provider, other (please specify).

gResponse categories: work, volunteering, doctor appointments, other rehabilitation services (eg, dayhab, therapy), pharmacy trips, buying groceries, visiting friends and family, other (please specify).

hResponse categories: travel to and from doctors' appointments, picking up medication, meeting with your care coordinator or other members of your care team, buying groceries, seeing friends or family, going to work, other (please specify).

iResponse categories: me, my providers, my care coordinator, the One Care plan itself, the transportation company.

From: Reporting Care Experiences of People with Significant Physical Disability or Serious Mental Illness to Primary Care Clinics

Cover of Reporting Care Experiences of People with Significant Physical Disability or Serious Mental Illness to Primary Care Clinics
Reporting Care Experiences of People with Significant Physical Disability or Serious Mental Illness to Primary Care Clinics [Internet].
Iezzoni LI, Heaphy D, Donelan K.
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