
Female teen population and teen birth rate by live-birth order, age group, and race and Hispanic origin: United States, 2000 and 2022

CharacteristicPopulationTotal teen birth rate1st birth rate2nd and higher-order birth rate
20002022Percent change20002022Percent change20002022Percent change20002022Percent change
Total, ages 15–199,828,88610,553,749747.713.6-7137.511.7-6910.22.0-80
 AIAN, non-Hispanic107,64086,801-1969.322.5-6852.818.7-6516.53.8-77
 Black, non-Hispanic1,470,1861,445,513-279.220.3-7458.717.1-7120.63.2-84
 White, non-Hispanic6,349,8285,350,956-1632.69.1-7226.97.9-715.71.2-79
Total, ages 15–175,835,4486,348,065926.95.6-7924.05.2-782.90.4-86
 AIAN, non-Hispanic66,53752,729-2140.39.5-7635.68.8-754.60.8-83
 Black, non-Hispanic872,929875,396 50.19.0-8243.38.3-816.80.7-90
 White, non-Hispanic3,784,0123,187,374-1615.83.1-8014.63.0-791.20.2-83
Total, ages 18–193,993,4384,205,684578.125.8-6757.221.4-6320.94.3-79
 AIAN, non-Hispanic41,10334,072-17116.342.5-6380.634.0-5835.78.5-76
 Black, non-Hispanic597,257570,117-5121.937.7-6981.230.7-6240.77.0-83
 White, non-Hispanic2,565,8162,163,582-1657.517.9-6845.115.2-6612.42.7-78

– Quantity zero.


People of Hispanic origin may be of any race.

NOTES: Total populations and birth rates include all race and Hispanic-origin groups, including those not shown separately. AIAN is American Indian and Alaska Native.

SOURCE: National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics System, natality data file.

From: 73 number 6, Changes in First and Second Births to U.S. Teenagers From 2000 to 2022

Cover of National Vital Statistics Reports
National Vital Statistics Reports [Internet].
Hyattsville (MD): National Center for Health Statistics (US); 2024 Jul-.
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