Generic Name Brand Name
Nonbiologic DMARDs
Azathioprine Azasan®; Imuran®
Cyclosporine A Neoral®; Gengraf®
Penicillamine Depen®; Cuprimine®
Leflunomide Arava®
Methotrexate* Methotrexate LPF®
Sulfasalazine* Azulfidine®; Sulfazine®
Biologic DMARDs
Abatacept* Orencia®
Adalimumab* Humira®
Anakinra Kineret®
Etanercept* Enbrel®
Infliximab Remicade®
Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) BayGam®; Carimune® NF; Flebogamma® 5% DIF; Gammagard® S/D; Gammagard® Liquid 10%; Gammar-P®; Gamunex® 10%; Iveegam EN®; Octagam® 5%; Panglobulin®; Polygam® S/D; Privigen® 10%;Vivaglobin®
Tocilizumab Actemra®

All of the medicines in this list have been studied on children with JIA. Those followed by an * have been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treating JIA. This list of DMARDs may not include newer medicines that are being studied and used for JIA. Ask your doctor about the names of other DMARDs that may be available to you.

From: DMARDs for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

Cover of Comparative Effectiveness Review Summary Guides for Consumers
Comparative Effectiveness Review Summary Guides for Consumers [Internet].

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.