Wholesale Prices of Prescription Analgesics

Drug NameDoseFormHow OftenPrice per Month for Generic*Brand NamePrice per Month for Brand Name*
Celecoxib100 mgTabletTwice a dayN/ACelebrex®$176
200 mgTabletOnce a dayN/A$145
Ibuprofen400 mgTabletThree times a day$18Motrin®;
$28; $10
Four times a day$25$37; $13
600 mgTabletThree times a day$26$36; $15
Four times a day$35$48; $20
800 mgTabletThree times a day$35$51; $20
Four times a day$46$68; $27
Diclofenac50 mgTabletTwice a day$93Cambia®;
Three times a day$140$2,320;
Naproxen250 mgTabletTwice a day$47Aleve®;
N/A; $97
375 mgTabletTwice a day$64N/A; $124
500 mgTabletTwice a day$78N/A; $151
Etodolac300 mgTabletTwice a day$86Lodine®$101
300 mgTabletThree times a day$128$152
400 mgTabletTwice a day$88$107
500 mgTabletTwice a day$89$108
Meloxicam7.5 mgTabletOnce a day$95Mobic®$156
15 mgTabletOnce a day$144$239
Nabumetone500 mgTabletTwice a day$78Relafen®$126
1,000 mgTabletOnce a day$78$126
1,000 mgTabletTwice a day$156$252
2,000 mgTabletOnce a day$156$252

Prices are the average wholesale prices as listed from RED BOOK Online®. Generic prices are the middle value in the range of prices listed from different manufacturers. The actual prices of the medicines may be higher or lower than the prices listed here depending on the manufacturer used by your pharmacy.

N/A = not available

From: Managing Osteoarthritis Pain With Medicines

Cover of Comparative Effectiveness Review Summary Guides for Consumers
Comparative Effectiveness Review Summary Guides for Consumers [Internet].

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.