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Gaynes BN, Lux LJ, Lloyd SW, et al. Nonpharmacologic Interventions for Treatment-Resistant Depression in Adults [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2011 Sep. (Comparative Effectiveness Reviews, No. 33.)

  • This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

Cover of Nonpharmacologic Interventions for Treatment-Resistant Depression in Adults

Nonpharmacologic Interventions for Treatment-Resistant Depression in Adults [Internet].

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Appendix ASearch Strategy

TRD Search 06.23.09

SearchMost Recent QueriesResult
#1Search “Depression”[Mesh] OR “Depressive Disorder”[Mesh]110342
#2Search #1 Limits: Entrez Date from 1980/01/01, Humans, English, All Adult: 19+ years56274
#3Search #2 Limits: Editorial, Letter, Case Reports7200
#5Search “Case Control Studies”[Mesh]421177
#6Search #2 AND #53156
#7Search #3 OR #610272
#8Search #2 NOT #746002
Depression articles limited to English, Human, and Adults, with no editorials, letters, case reports or case-control studies.
#9Search “Socioenvironmental Therapy”[Mesh] OR “interpersonal psychotherapy”[tw] OR “ipt”[tw] OR “psychotherapy”[mesh] OR “Cognitive Therapy”[Mesh] OR “cognitive behavioral therapy”[tw] OR “cbt”[tw]123383
#10Search #8 AND #92910
#11Search “Drug Resistance”[Mesh] OR refractory[tw] OR resistant[tw]379438
#12Search #10 AND #1148
48 Psychotherapy/CBT/Depression articles limited to the “refractory” terms.
#13Search “Electroconvulsive Therapy”[Mesh] OR “ect”[tw] OR “electroconvulsive therapy”[tw]10514
#14Search #8 AND #131112
#16Search “Randomized Controlled Trial”[Publication Type] OR “Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic”[Mesh] OR “Single-Blind Method”[Mesh] OR “Double-Blind Method”[Mesh] OR “Random Allocation”[Mesh]392864
These are the terms used for RCTs.
#17Search #14 AND #16203
There are 203 RCTs about Depression and ECT.
#18Search “Longitudinal Studies”[Mesh] OR “Comparative Study ”[Publication Type]) OR “Cohort Studies”[Mesh] OR “observational studies”[tw]1992678
#19Search #14 AND #18361
There are 361 “observational studies” about Depression and ECT.
#20Search #17 OR #19447
Combining the RCTs and Observational studies for the ECT literature here.
#21Search “Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation”[Mesh] OR “(r)tms”[tw]2864
#22Search #8 AND #21141
141 TMS articles.
#23Search “Vagus Nerve Stimulation”[Mesh] OR “vagus nerve stimulation”[tw]808
#24Search #8 AND #2337
37 VNS articles.
#25Search #12 OR #20 OR #22 OR #24649
Combining all results for the main search here: Psychotherapy, ECT, TMS, and VNS.
Final number of records after duplicates removed630

A search with analogous terms was performed in the following databases:

Embase = 269 (159 after duplicates removed)

PsycINFO= 422 (296 after duplicates removed)

Cochrane = 6 (no duplicates found)

EndNote file for the main search = 1346 (1074 after duplicates removed)

TRD Update Search 11.18.2010

SearchMost Recent QueriesResult
#1Search “Depression”[Mesh] OR “Depressive Disorder”[Mesh]120871
#2Search ((#1) AND “2009/04/01”[Entrez Date] : “3000”[Entrez Date]) AND “0”[Entrez Date] : “3000”[Entrez Date]9152
#3Search #2 Limits: Editorial, Letter, Case Reports909
#4Search “Case Control Studies”[Mesh]476252
#5Search #2 AND #4558
#6Search #3 OR #51460
#7Search #2 NOT #67692
#8Search “Socioenvironmental Therapy”[Mesh] OR “interpersonal psychotherapy”[tw] OR “ipt”[tw] OR “psychotherapy”[mesh] OR “Cognitive Therapy”[Mesh] OR “cognitive behavioral therapy”[tw] OR “cbt”[tw]131504
#9Search #7 AND #8758
#10Search “Drug Resistance”[Mesh] OR refractory[tw] OR resistant[tw]414955
#11Search #9 AND #1025
#12Search “Electroconvulsive Therapy”[Mesh] OR “ect”[tw] OR “electroconvulsive therapy”[tw]11003
#13Search #2 AND #12149
#14Search “Randomized Controlled Trial”[Publication Type] OR “Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic”[Mesh] OR “Single-Blind Method”[Mesh] OR “Double-Blind Method”[Mesh] OR “Random Allocation”[Mesh]431969
#15Search #13 AND #1421
#16Search “Longitudinal Studies”[Mesh] OR “Comparative Study ”[Publication Type]) OR “Cohort Studies”[Mesh] OR “observational studies”[tw]2109685
#17Search #13 AND #1627
#18Search #15 OR #1737
#19Search “Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation”[Mesh] OR “(r)tms”[tw]3733
#20Search #2 AND #1978
#21Search “Vagus Nerve Stimulation”[Mesh] OR “vagus nerve stimulation”[tw]988
#22Search #2 AND #2118
#23Search #22 OR #20 OR #18 OR #11143
#24Search #23 Limits: Humans, English, All Adult: 19+ years Sort by: PublicationDate77
#25Search #23143

A search with analogous terms was performed in the following databases:

PubMed 76 (77 before duplicates removed)

Embase 80 (187 before duplicates removed)

PsycINFO 170 (211 before duplicates removed)

The Cochrane Library 26 (27 before duplicates removed)

EndNote file for the Update Search = 352 (before being added to main database and duplicates removed)

TRD Pharmacologic Search (Key Question 1b)

SearchMost Recent QueriesResult
#1Search “Antidepressive Agents”[MeSH]37171
#2Search “Fluoxetine”[Mesh] OR “Sertraline”[Mesh] OR “Paroxetine”[Mesh] OR “Citalopram”[Mesh] OR “Fluvoxamine”[Mesh] OR “Bupropion”[Mesh] OR “nefazodone ”[Substance Name] OR “mirtazapine ”[Substance Name] OR “venlafaxine ”[Substance Name] OR “desmethylcitalopram ”[Substance Name] OR Escitalopram[tw] OR “duloxetine ”[Substance Name] OR “Trazodone”[Mesh] OR “O-desmethylvenlafaxine ”[Substance Name] OR “Imipramine”[Mesh] OR “Desipramine”[Mesh] OR “Nortriptyline”[Mesh] OR “Amitriptyline”[Mesh] OR “Phenelzine”[Mesh] OR “Tranylcypromine”[Mesh] OR “Doxepin”[Mesh] OR “Clomipramine”[Mesh] OR “Maprotiline”[Mesh]39294
#3Search Fluoxetine OR Sertraline OR Paroxetine OR Citalopram OR Fluvoxamine OR Bupropion OR Nefazodone OR Mirtazapine OR Venlafaxine OR Escitalopram OR Duloxetine OR Trazodone OR Desvenlafaxine OR Imipramine OR Desipramine OR Nortriptyline OR Amitriptyline OR Phenelzine OR Tranylcypromine OR Doxepin OR Clomipramine OR Maprotiline48657
#4Search #1 OR #2 OR #370932
#5Search (“Depression”[MeSH] or “Depressive Disorder”[MeSH])113094
#6Search “Drug Resistance”[MeSH] OR refractory[tw] OR resistant[tw]387599
#7Search #4 AND #5 AND #61359
#8Search (“1980”[Entrez Date] : “3000”[Entrez Date]) AND (#7) Limits: Humans, English1075
#9Search #8 Limits: Editorial, Letter, Case Reports222
#10Search #8 Limits: All Infant: birth-23 months, All Child: 0-18 years, Newborn: birth-1 month, Infant: 1-23 months, Preschool Child: 2-5 years, Child: 6-12 years, Adolescent: 13-18 years105
#11Search #8 NOT( #9 OR #10) Sort by: Title758
Final number of records after duplicates removed (in comparison with the main TRD nonpharmacologic database).663

A search with analogous terms was performed in the following databases:

EMBASE (unduplicated) = 78

PsycINFO (unduplicated)= 171

Unduplicated EndNote file for the main search = 912

TRD Pharmacologic Search (KQ1b) 11.19.2010

SearchMost Recent QueriesResult
#1Search “Antidepressive Agents”[MeSH]39236
#2Search “Fluoxetine”[Mesh] OR “Sertraline”[Mesh] OR “Paroxetine”[Mesh] OR “Citalopram”[Mesh] OR “Fluvoxamine”[Mesh] OR “Bupropion”[Mesh] OR “nefazodone ”[Substance Name] OR “mirtazapine ”[Substance Name] OR “venlafaxine ”[Substance Name] OR “desmethylcitalopram ”[Substance Name] OR Escitalopram[tw] OR “duloxetine ”[Substance Name] OR “Trazodone”[Mesh] OR “O-desmethylvenlafaxine ”[Substance Name] OR “Imipramine”[Mesh] OR “Desipramine”[Mesh] OR “Nortriptyline”[Mesh] OR “Amitriptyline”[Mesh] OR “Phenelzine”[Mesh] OR “Tranylcypromine”[Mesh] OR “Doxepin”[Mesh] OR “Clomipramine”[Mesh] OR “Maprotiline”[Mesh]40799
#3Search Fluoxetine OR Sertraline OR Paroxetine OR Citalopram OR Fluvoxamine OR Bupropion OR Nefazodone OR Mirtazapine OR Venlafaxine OR Escitalopram OR Duloxetine OR Trazodone OR Desvenlafaxine OR Imipramine OR Desipramine OR Nortriptyline OR Amitriptyline OR Phenelzine OR Tranylcypromine OR Doxepin OR Clomipramine OR Maprotiline50880
#4Search #1 OR #2 OR #374378
#5Search (“Depression”[MeSH] or “Depressive Disorder”[MeSH])120871
#6Search “Drug Resistance”[MeSH] OR refractory[tw] OR resistant[tw]415078
#7Search #4 AND #5 AND #61465
#8Search ((#7) AND “2009/09/01”[Entrez Date] : “3000”[Entrez Date]) AND “0”[Entrez Date] : “3000”[Entrez Date]78
#9Search #8 Limits: Editorial, Letter, Case Reports8
#10Search #8 NOT #970
#11Search #10 Limits: All Infant: birth-23 months, All Child: 0-18 years, Newborn: birth-1 month, Infant: 1-23 months, Preschool Child: 2-5 years, Child: 6-12 years, Adolescent: 13-18 years7
#12Search #10 NOT #1163
#13Search (“Amoxapine”[Mesh] OR “Protriptyline”[Mesh]) OR “Selegiline”[Mesh]2578
#14Search “Amoxapine” OR “Protriptyline” OR “Selegiline”3228
#15Search #13 OR #143228
#16Search #15 AND #5 AND #616
#17Search #16 Limits: Editorial, Letter, Case Reports7
#18Search #16 NOT #179
#19Search #18 Limits: All Infant: birth-23 months, All Child: 0-18 years, Newborn: birth-1 month, Infant: 1-23 months, Preschool Child: 2-5 years, Child: 6-12 years, Adolescent: 13-18 years0
#20Search #12 OR #1872
#21Search #20 Limits: Humans, English60

A search with analogous terms was performed in the following databases:

PubMed 60 (60 before duplicates removed)

Embase 131 (172 before duplicates removed)

PsycINFO 51 (69 before duplicates removed)

The Cochrane Library 66 (73 before duplicates removed)

EndNote file for the Update Search = 308 (before being added to the main EndNote Database and duplicates removed)


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