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Chou R, Hartung D, Rahman B, et al. Treatment for Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Adults [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2012 Nov. (Comparative Effectiveness Reviews, No. 76.)

Cover of Treatment for Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Adults

Treatment for Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Adults [Internet].

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Appendix FSustained Virologic Response and Quality of Life

Author, Year
Definition of Sustained Virologic Response
Population CharacteristicsTreatmentsResults (by clinical outcome)
Arora, 20061
Australia, Europe, New Zealand, North America, and South America

Quality: Poor
SVR vs. no SVR
SVR=No detectable HCV RNA at end of followup (72 weeks)
Not reported by SVR status

Mean age: 43 years

Female: 60%

Non-white: 14%

Advanced fibrosis: 10%

Genotype 1: 68%

Viral load: 1.1–1.2 × 106 copies/ml
IVDU: 30%

HIV positive: excluded
Pegylated interferon alfa-2a (24 or 48 weeks)SVR vs. no SVR, mean difference in change from baseline
SF-36 physical function: +4.7 (p<0.05)
SF-36 role limitations-physical: +13 (p<0.05)
SF-36 bodily pain: +11 (p<0.0001)
SF-36 general health: +10 (p<0.0001)
SF-36 vitality: +9.3 (p<0.0001)
SF-36 social function: +5.1 (p>0.05)
SF-36 role limitations-emotional: +7.3 (p>0.05)
SF-36 mental health: +3.1 (p>0.05)
SF-36 physical component summary: +4.9 (p<0.0001)
SF-36 mental component summary: +2.0 (p>0.05)
Fatigue Severity Scale, total score: −4.4 (p<0.01)
Fatigue Severity Scale, VAS: −10 (p<0.01)
Bernstein, 20022
Australia, North America, Europe, Taiwan, New Zealand

Quality: Poor
SVR vs. no SVR
SVR=No detectable HCV RNA 24 weeks after completion of antiviral therapy
Not reported by SVR status
Mean age <=40 years: 41%

Female: 32%

Non-white: 14%

Cirrhosis: 32%

Genotype, viral load, HIV infection, IV drug use not reported
Pegylated interferon alfa-2a or interferon alfa-2aSVR vs. no SVR, mean difference in change from baseline
SF-36 physical function: +4.6 (p<0.001)
SF-36 role limitations-physical: +9.8 (p<0.001)
SF-36 bodily pain: +2.9 (p<0.01)
SF-36 general health: +9.1 (p<0.001)
SF-36 vitality: +9.6 (p<0.001)
SF-36 social function: +6.2 (p<0.001)
SF-36 role limitations-emotional: +8.4 (p<0.01)
SF-36 mental health: +4.6 (p<0.001)
SF-36 physical component summary: +2.8 (p<0.001)
SF-36 mental component summary: +3.0 (p<0.001)
Fatigue Severity Scale, total score: −0.5 (p<0.001)
Fatigue Severity Scale, VAS: −11.5 (p<0.001)
Bini, 20063

Quality: Poor
SVR vs. no SVR
SVR=No detectable HCV RNA 24 weeks after completion of antiviral therapy
Normal ALT and elevated ALT groups, respectively (not reported by SVR status)

Mean age: 50 and 49 years

Female: 11% and 8%

Non-white: 59% and 66%

Normal ALT and elevated ALT groups, respectively (not reported by SVR status)
Cirrhosis: 11% and 11%

Genotype 1: 78% and 78%

Viral load >2 × 106 copies/ml: 44% and 44%
IVDU: 67% and 65%

HIV positive: excluded
Interferon alfa-2b + ribavirinSVR vs. no SVR, mean difference in change from baseline (normal ALT and elevated ALT subgroups, respectively; p values not reported)
SF-36 physical function: +18 and +15
SF-36 role limitations-physical: +22 and +27
SF-36 bodily pain: +3.4 and +9.3
SF-36 general health: +3.0 and +9.9
SF-36 vitality: +12 and +12
SF-36 social function: +9.5 and +11
SF-36 role limitations-emotional: +20 and +18
SF-36 mental health: +14 and +18
SF-36 physical component summary: +3.8 and +7.1
SF-36 mental component summary: +6.0 and +2.1
Positive well being: +14 and −3.1
Sleep somnolence: +11 and +5.4
Health distress: +9.3 and +11
Hepatitis-specific health distress: +5.4 and +2.6
Hepatitis-specific limitations: +13 and +3.8
Bonkovsky, 19994
USA and Canada

Quality: Poor
SVR vs. no SVR
SVR=No detectable HCV RNA 24 weeks after completion of antiviral therapy
Not reported by SVR status

Mean age: 43 years

Female: 27%

Non-white: 23%

Cirrhosis: 16%

Genotype 1: 68%

Viral load: Not reported
IVDU: 41%

HIV positive: excluded
Consensus interferon or interferon alfa-2bSVR vs. no SVR, mean difference in change from baseline (values estimated from graph)
SF-36 physical function: +6.0 (p<0.05)
SF-36 role limitations-physical: +22 (p<0.01)
SF-36 bodily pain: −0.5 (p>0.05)
SF-36 general health: +7.5 (p<0.01)
SF-36 vitality: +9.5 (p<0.05)
SF-36 social function: +10 (p<0.05)
SF-36 role limitations-emotional: +11 (p>0.05)
SF-36 mental health: +4.0 (p>0.05)
Hassanein, 20045
Australia, North America, Europe, Taiwan, Brazil, Mexico

Quality: Poor
SVR vs. no SVR
SVR=No detectable HCV RNA 24 weeks after completion of antiviral therapy
Not reported by SVR status

Mean age: 43 years

Female: 29%

Non-white: 16%

Cirrhosis: 13%

Genotype 1: 63%

Viral load: 5.9 to 6.0 × 106 copies/ml
IVDU: Not reported

HIV positive: excluded
Pegylated interferon alfa-2a, pegylated interferon alf-2a +ribavirin, or interferon alfa-2b + ribavirinSVR vs. no SVR, mean difference in change from baseline
SF-36 physical function: +5.5 (p<0.01)
SF-36 role limitations-physical: +5.7 (p<0.05)
SF-36 bodily pain: +4.1 (p<0.05)
SF-36 general health: +8.6 (p<0.01)
SF-36 vitality: +6.3 (p >0.05)
SF-36 social function: +5.8 (p<0.01)
SF-36 role limitations-emotional: +9.3 (p<0.01)
SF-36 mental health: +5.0 (p<0.01)
SF-36 physical component summary: +2.2 (p<0.01)
SF-36 mental component summary: +2.6 (p<0.01)
Total fatigue: +3.3 (p<0.01)
Fatigue severity: +7.4 (p<0.01)
McHutchison, 20016

Quality: Poor
SVR vs. relapse vs. non-responder
SVR=No detectable HCV RNA 24 weeks after completion of antiviral therapy
Relapse: Not defined
Mean age: 43 vs. 44 years

Female: 42% vs. 32%

Non-white: 8% vs. 12%

Cirrhosis: Not reported

Genotype 1: 43% vs. 81%

Viral load >2 million copies/ml: 58% vs. 74%
IVDU: Not reported

HIV positive: excluded
Interferon alfa-2a for 24 or 48 weeks, with or without ribavirinSVR and relapse, mean difference in change from baseline vs. non-responder (p not reported, values estimated from graph)
SF-36 physical function: +2.4 and +0.8
SF-36 role limitations-physical: +5.2 and +3.2
SF-36 bodily pain: +1.6 and +1.7
SF-36 general health: +5.2 and +1.5
SF-36 vitality: +4.7 and +2.0
SF-36 social function: +3.1 and +0.4
SF-36 role limitations-emotional: +3.0 and +1.2
SF-36 mental health: +2.0 and 0.0
Sleep somnolence: +3.4 and +2.3
Health distress: +5.4 and +1.2
Hepatitis-related health distress: +5.7 and +1.1
Hepatitis-related limitations: +4.6 and +2.1
Neary, 19997
USA, Europe, Australia

Quality: Poor
SVR vs. no SVR and overall response versus no overall response
SVR=No detectable HCV RNA 24 weeks after completion of antiviral therapy
Overall response=SVR plus >=2-point improvement in Knodell HAI score
Not reported by SVR or overall response status

Mean age: 43 years

Female: 35%

Non-white: 6.4%

Not reported by SVR or overall response status
Bridging fibrosis or cirrhosis: 17%

Genotype 1: 56%

Viral load >2 million copies/ml: 75%
IVDU: 40%

HIV positive: excluded
Interferon alfa-2b with or without ribavirinSVR and relapse. mean difference in change from baseline vs. non-responder (estimated from graph) (p values not reported)
SF-36 physical function: +8.0 and +3.8
SF-36 role limitations-physical: +7.6 and +4.9
SF-36 bodily pain: +2.4 and +2.7
SF-36 general health: +9.4 and +5.6
SF-36 vitality: +7.8 and +5.6
SF-36 social function: +9.4 and +4.1
SF-36 role limitations-emotional: +6.0 and +12
SF-36 mental health: +2.8 and +1.8
Sleep somnolence: +2.1 and +3.8
Health distress: +8.9 and +1.6
Hepatitis-related health distress: +11 and -0.8
Hepatitis-related limitations: +6.7 and +2.6
Mental health-18: +3.4 and +2.3

Overall response vs. no response (estimated from graph)
SF-36 physical function: +8.3 (p<0.05)
SF-36 role limitations-physical: +10 (p>0.05)
SF-36 bodily pain: +3.7 (p>0-.05)
SF-36 general health: +6.9 (p<0.05)
SF-36 vitality: +5.8 (p<0.05)
SF-36 social function: +9.2 (p<0.05)
SF-36 role limitations-emotional: +3.6 (p>0.05)
SF-36 mental health: +1.3 (p>0.05)
Sleep somnolence: +1.5 (p>0.05)
Health distress: +6.4 (p<0.05)
Hepatitis-related health distress: +12 (p<0.05)
Hepatitis-related limitations: +7.8 (p<0.05)
Mental health-18: +1.5 (p>0.05)
Rasenack, 20038
Germany, Canada, New Zealand, Spain

Quality: Poor
SVR vs. no SVR
SVR=No detectable HCV RNA 24 weeks after completion of antiviral therapy
Not reported by SVR status
Mean age: 41 years

Female: 33%

Non-white: 15%

Bridging fibrosis/cirrhosis: 13%

Injection drug use: 37%

Viral load: 7.4 to 8.2 × 106 copies/ml

HIV positive: Not reported

Genotype: Not reported
Pegylated interferon alfa-2a or interferon alfa-2aSVR vs. no SVR, mean difference in change from baseline
SF-36 physical function: +5.0 (p=0.001)
SF-36 role limitations-physical: +14 (p<0.001)
SF-36 bodily pain: +5.2 (p=0.014)
SF-36 general health: 12 (p<0.001)
SF-36 vitality: +9.4 (p<0.001)
SF-36 social function: +5.8 (p=0.005)
SF-36 role limitations-emotional: +8.4 (p=0.02)
SF-36 mental health: +5.3 (p=0.001)
SF-36 physical component summary: +3.2 (p<0.001)
SF-36 mental component summary: +2.9 (p=0.005)
Fatigue Severity Scale, total score: −0.5 (p=0.001)
Fatigue Severity Scale, VAS: −8.4 (p<0.001)
Ware, 19999
Australia, North America, and Europe

Quality: Poor
SVR vs. no SVR
SVR=No detectable HCV RNA 24 weeks after completion of antiviral therapy

Overall response vs. no overall response
Overall response=SVR + Knodell histology activity index inflammation score improved by 2 U or more
Not reported by response status
Mean age: 43 years

Female: 35%

Non-white: 6.4%

Bridging fibrosis/cirrhosis: 18%

Injection drug use: 40%

Viral load: 4.8 to 5.2 × 106 copies/ml

HIV positive: Excluded

Genotype 1: 56%
Interferon alfa-2b or interferon alfa-2b + ribavirinSVR vs. no SVR and overall response vs. no overall response, mean difference in change from baseline (p values not reported)
SF-36 physical function: +2.6 and +3.5
SF-36 role limitations-physical: +1.5 and +3.1
SF-36 bodily pain: +0.45 and +1.6
SF-36 general health: +3.3 and +3.5
SF-36 vitality: +2.2 and +2.8
SF-36 social function: +3.4 and +4.3
SF-36 role limitations-emotional: −0.02 and +1.1
SF-36 mental health: +1.3 and +0.62
Sleep: +0.02 and +1.2
Health distress: +7.6 and +6.2
Chronic hepatitis C health distress: +11.5 and +11.3
Chronic hepatitis C limitations: +5.3 and +7.5

Abbreviations: ALT, alanine aminotransferase; HCV, hepatitis C virus; SVR, sustained virologic response.

Appendix F References

Arora S, O'Brien C, Zeuzem S, et al. Treatment of chronic hepatitis C patients with persistently normal alanine aminotransferase levels with the combination of peginterferon alpha-2a (40 kDa) plus ribavirin: impact on health-related quality of life. Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 2006 Feb;21(2):406–12. [PubMed: 16509866]
Bernstein D, Kleinman L, Barker CM, et al. Relationship of health-related quality of life to treatment adherence and sustained response in chronic hepatitis C patients. Hepatology. 2002 Mar;35(3):704–8. [PubMed: 11870387]
Bini EJ, Mehandru S. Sustained virological response rates and health-related quality of life after interferon and ribavirin therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection and persistently normal alanine aminotransferase levels. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2006;23(6):777–85. [PubMed: 16556180]
Bonkovsky HL, Woolley JM. Reduction of health-related quality of life in chronic hepatitis C and improvement with interferon therapy. The Consensus Interferon Study Group. Hepatology. 1999;29(1):264–70. [PubMed: 9862876]
Hassanein T, Cooksley G, Sulkowski M, et al. The impact of peginterferon alfa-2a plus ribavirin combination therapy on health-related quality of life in chronic hepatitis C. Journal of Hepatology. 2004;40(4):675–81. [PubMed: 15030985]
McHutchison J, Manns M, Harvey J, et al. Adherence to therapy enhanges sustained response in chronic hepatitis C patients receiving PEG-Interferon alfa-2b plus Ribavirin[abstract] Journal of Hepatology. 2001;34(1):2–3.
Neary MP, Cort S, Bayliss MS, et al. Sustained virologic response is associated with improved health-related quality of life in relapsed chronic hepatitis C patients. Semin Liver Dis. 1999;19(Suppl 1):77–85. [PubMed: 10349695]
Rasenack J, Zeuzem S, Feinman SV, et al. Peginterferon alpha-2a (40kD) [Pegasys] improves HR-QOL outcomes compared with unmodified interferon alpha-2a [Roferon-A]: in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Pharmacoeconomics. 2003;21(5):341–9. [Erratum appears in Pharmacoeconomics. 2003;21(17):1290] [PubMed: 12627987]
Ware JE, Bayliss MS, Mannocchia M, et al. Health-related quality of life in chronic hepatitis C: impact of disease and treatment response. The Interventional Therapy Group. Hepatology. 1999;30(2):550–5. [PubMed: 10421667]


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