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Sample GSM1014741 Query DataSets for GSM1014741
Status Public on Dec 31, 2012
Title Ssa_Diet 6_56d_replicate 4
Sample type RNA
Source name Ssa_Diet 6_56d_replicate 4
Organism Salmo salar
Characteristics diet: Sea cucumber internal organs
tissue: Liver
time: 56d
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA from RNAlater preserved salmon liver samples was extracted using TRI reagent (Molecular Research Center, OH, USA) followed by column purification using the NucleoSpin RNA II (Macherey-Nagel, PA, USA) and following the manufacturer’s protocol. An on column DNase digestion step was performed on each sample. RNA quantification was performed using a NanoDrop 8000 (Thermo Scientific, DE, USA) and RNA quality and integrity was assessed with the Experion automated electrophoresis system (Bio-Rad, TX, USA). Only RNA samples with RNA Quality Indicator (RQI) values above 8 were used for analysis. RNA’s were stored at -70ºC in DEPC treated water containing an RNase inhibitor (Qiagen, ON, Canada) until needed.
Label Cy3
Label protocol RNA amplification and labeling for microarray was performed using the one-color Low Input Quick Amp Labeling kit (Agilent, CA, USA) and following the manufacturer’s recommendations. Briefly, 200 ng of each RNA sample was reverse transcribed, amplified and labeled using Cy3 dyes resulting in Cy3 labeled amplified RNA (aRNA). Purification of the labeled aRNA was performed using NucleoSpin RNA clean up columns (Macherey-Nagel, CA, USA) following the manufacturer’s recommendations. Following purification, labeled aRNA samples were then quantified using the NanoDrop 8000 to verify the yield of aRNA and the labeling efficiency. 1.65 µg of each purified aRNA was prepared for hybridization using the fragmentation step described in Agilent’s Low Input Quick Amp labeling kit protocol. Briefly each aRNA was fragmented by mixing 1.65 µg of aRNA in a volume of 22.8 µl, with 6 µl of 10X blocking agent and 1.2 µl of 25X fragmentation buffer and heating the mix at 60°C for 30 min.
Hybridization protocol Microarray hybridizations were performed using Agilent’s 4 x 44K Atlantic salmon microarray slides containing 4 grids with the same ~ 44 000 features (Design ID 025055), using a one-color approach. All hybridizations, including washes and drying steps were carried out on a HS4800 automated hybridization station using quad chambers (Tecan, Männedorf, Switzerland). Briefly, slides were initially washed with Agilent’s aOligo aCGH Prehybridization buffer for 1 min at 65°C and injected with a 60 µl of hybridization mix containing 30 µl of fragmentation mix and 30 µl of Agilent’s 2x GEx hybridization Buffer Hi-RPM per chamber. The injected material was hybridized for 17 hour at 65°C. Following hybridization slides were washed twice with Agilent’s gene expression wash buffer 1 at 23°C for 1 min, twice with Agilent’s gene expression wash buffer 2 with 0.01 wash buffer additive at 37°C for 1 min and then dried under nitrogen.
Scan protocol Microarray slides were scanned at a resolution of 5 µm using Agilent’s High Resolution Microarray Scanner (Agilent, CA, USA) using a 20-bit data format and automatic PMT adjustment.
Data processing The resulting TIFF images were quantified using Agilent’s Feature Extraction software (Agilent, CA, USA). Numerical intensities, descriptive statistics and flag value were computed for each spot and exported in a text file. Spots were considered flagged it they were saturated, not uniform, below background levels and if the background was not uniform. Genes that had a flag on more than 1/3 of the slides used for a particular statistical analysis were filtered out. The gProcessedSignal values (foreground value minus background value) for each spot were then log2 transformed and normalized between arrays using a median centering approach found in BRBArrayTool version 4.1.0 Beta_2 Release (developed by Dr. Richard Simon and BRB-ArrayTools Development Team). Statistical analysis was performed on log2 transformed and normalized gProcessedSignal value.
Submission date Oct 03, 2012
Last update date Dec 31, 2012
Contact name Francis LeBlanc
Phone (506) 851-6222
Organization name Fisheries & Oceans Canada
Department Aquatic Animal Health
Lab Molecular Biology Unit
Street address 343 University Ave.
City Moncton
State/province NB
ZIP/Postal code E1C 9B6
Country Canada
Platform ID GPL11299
Series (1)
GSE41325 Nutrigenomics study in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fed novel diets supplemented with marine by-products

Data table header descriptions
VALUE log2 transformed and normalized gProcessedSignal value.

Data table
C001R038 3.655
C001R039 16.373
C001R040 9.066

Total number of rows: 43689

Table truncated, full table size 571 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM1014741_252505510760_10_SLOT03_1_4_r10-306_v2_.txt.gz 2.2 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT
Processed data included within Sample table

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