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Sample GSM315945 Query DataSets for GSM315945
Status Public on Aug 29, 2008
Title UCI101 pre-mir-424 2
Sample type RNA
Source name Ovary
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics Papillary ovarian carcinoma
Gender: female
Treatment protocol Transfected with precursor miRNA hsa-miR-424 (Ambion) using siPORT NeoFX (Ambion)
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen)
Label Cy3
Label protocol Streptavidin-Cy3 bound to cRNA amplified with biotin-16-UTP using the Illumina TotalPrep RNA Amplification Kit (Ambion; Austin, TX, cat # IL1791).
A 0.5ug aliquot of total RNA from each sample was labeled using the Illumina TotalPrep RNA Amplification Kit (Ambion; Austin, TX, cat # IL1791). RNA was first converted into single-stranded cDNA using reverse transcription and an oligo-dT primer containing the T7 RNA polymerase promoter then the single-stranded cDNA was copied to produce double-stranded cDNA molecules. The double-stranded cDNA was used in an overnight in vitro transcription reaction where single-stranded RNA (cRNA) was generated and labeled by incorporating biotin-16-UTP.
Hybridization protocol A total of 0.85ug of biotin-labeled cRNA was hybridized for 16 hours to Illumina's Sentrix MouseRef-8 Expression BeadChips (Illumina, San Diego, CA). Each BeadChip has 24,000 well-annotated RefSeq transcripts per sample with approximately 30-fold redundancy. The arrays were washed at both 55 degrees C and room temperature and then blocked. The biotinylated cRNA was detected with streptavidin-Cy3, washed a final time and the arrays were dried by spinning at 500 RPM for 4 minutes.
Scan protocol Slides were scanned using Illumina's BeadStation 500X Genetic Analysis Systems scanner. The image data was extracted using BeadStudio software, version 3. (Illumina)
Description Microarray expression data generated from Illumina Human_Ref-8_V2 Sentrix BeadChips hybridized and scanned using a single channel of Cy3 fluorescent label.
Data processing Raw microarray data was analyzed using DIANE 6.0, a spreadsheet-based microarray analysis program. Microarray intensities were subjected to Z normalization. i.e. [(intensity of sample #1 from array A - avarage of all intensities from array A)/ standard diviation of all of intensities on array A]. Differently expressed cRNA species were identified between the different sample groups by the ratio of these normalized intensities.
Submission date Aug 29, 2008
Last update date Jun 22, 2020
Contact name Supriyo De
Organization name NIA-IRP, NIH
Department Laboratory of Genetics and Genomics
Lab Computational Biology & Genomics Core
Street address 251 Bayview Blvd
City Baltimore
State/province Maryland
ZIP/Postal code 21224
Country USA
Platform ID GPL6104
Series (1)
GSE12615 Ovarian Cancer Cell Lines pre-microRNA Transfection

Data table header descriptions
RAW_VALUE raw intensity value from Beadstudio software
VALUE z-value. Z transformation of the natural log of the raw intensity values

Data table
ILMN_1343291 40253.7 4.012
ILMN_1651217 119.8 -1.211
ILMN_1651228 27439.3 3.668
ILMN_1651229 246.9 -0.562
ILMN_1651235 217.2 -0.677
ILMN_1651237 2665.0 1.574
ILMN_1651254 2125.9 1.371
ILMN_1651259 532.2 0.128
ILMN_1651261 614.8 0.257
ILMN_1651262 5892.6 2.287
ILMN_1651278 537.3 0.137
ILMN_1651282 208.6 -0.713
ILMN_1651286 296.4 -0.398
ILMN_1651296 264.3 -0.500

Total number of rows: 20598

Table truncated, full table size 430 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table

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