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Sample GSM69653 Query DataSets for GSM69653
Status Public on May 01, 2007
Title FVB_Wap_Myc_CA02_567C_CHURCHILL
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name Mouse reference
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics Whole mouse total RNA
Biomaterial provider Cam Patterson-UNC-CH
Extracted molecule total RNA
Label Cy3
Channel 2
Source name FVB_Wap_Myc_CA02_567C
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics mammary tumor
Biomaterial provider Gary Churchill - JAX
Extracted molecule total RNA
Label Cy5
Scan protocol Fluorescent array images were collected for both Cy3 and Cy5 with a GenePix 4000B fluorescent scanner and image intensity data were extracted and analyzed with GenePix Pro 4.1 analysis software.
Description FVB_Wap_Myc_CA02_567C_CHURCHILL
Data processing Data for both channels were Lowess-normalized and then log(2) ratio was taken
Submission date Aug 11, 2005
Last update date Jul 17, 2015
Contact name Charles M. Perou
Organization name University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Department Professor of Genetics, and Pathology & Laboratory Medicine; Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
Street address 12-044 Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center CB# 7295
City Chapel Hill
State/province NC
ZIP/Postal code 27599-7264
Country USA
Platform ID GPL891
Series (3)
GSE3165 Identification of conserved gene expression features across human and murine mammary tumors
GSE14457 Rb deletion in mammary stem/progenitor epithelium induces tumors with features of luminal-B or basal-like breast cancer
GSE65677 The Six1 oncoprotein represses translation of p53 via concomitant regulation of RPL26 and microRNA-27a
Affiliated with GSE34479

Data table header descriptions
ID_REF Spot Reference ID
VALUE same as UNF_VALUE but with flagged values removed
SPOT spot number on array
CH1_MEAN channel 1 mean intensity
CH1_SD standard deviation of channel 1 intensity
CH1_BKD_MEDIAN channel 1 background median intensity
CH1_BKD_SD standard deviation of channel 1 background median intensity
CH2_MEAN channel 2 mean intensity
CH2_SD standard deviation of channel 2 intensity
CH2_BKD_MEDIAN channel 2 background median intensity
CH2_BKD_SD standard deviation of channel 2 background median intensity
TOT_BPIX number of background pixels
TOT_SPIX number of spot pixels
CH2BN_MEDIAN channel 2 normalized background median intensity
CH2IN_MEAN channel 2 normalized mean intensity
CH1DL_MEAN channel 1 Lowess_normalized mean intensity
CH2DL_MEAN channel 2 Lowess_normalized mean intensity
LOG_RAT2N_MEAN log2_ratio of (CH2IN_MEAN - CH2BN_MEDIAN) over (CH1_MEAN - CH1_BKD_MEDIAN), CH2IN_MEAN and CH2BN_MEDIAN are global-normalized intensities
CORR correlation coefficient among pixels
FLAG Spot flag. 0:not flagged; negative:flagged as bad spots; positive:flagged as good spots
CONTROL Y: control gene; N: not control

Data table
1 -4.145 22575 1092 481 84 24 136 83 79 52 521 156 71 122 1008 56 -4.293 .27 0 Y -4.145
2 -.136 22470 157 61 84 24 110 62 76 54 544 156 68 99 52 47 -1.234 .19 0 Y -.136
3 22365 453 1956 84 25 583 2664 78 54 568 156 70 525 399 466 .302 .03 -100 N .223
4 -.107 22260 179 60 84 25 137 76 80 53 568 156 72 123 76 70 -.897 .27 0 N -.107
5 -1.204 22155 2259 1035 86 25 1504 754 80 54 544 156 72 1354 2670 1158 -.761 .94 0 N -1.204
6 -2.917 22050 742 289 85 26 165 91 78 55 544 156 70 148 656 87 -3.071 .48 0 N -2.917
7 -3.72 21945 1124 475 84 25 162 99 78 52 544 156 70 145 1072 81 -3.796 .44 0 Y -3.72
8 -2.503 21840 751 273 85 25 199 97 75 50 544 156 67 179 684 120 -2.573 .59 0 N -2.503
9 .181 21735 175 59 84 25 144 82 75 53 568 156 67 129 74 84 -.554 .26 0 N .181
10 .371 21630 209 74 84 26 210 119 79 58 568 156 71 189 112 145 -.083 .54 0 N .371
11 -.132 21525 266 101 86 33 224 125 79 57 544 156 71 201 169 154 -.47 .6 0 N -.132
12 .266 21420 220 85 85 32 214 117 80 56 544 156 72 192 122 147 -.17 .52 0 N .266
13 -.003 21315 279 91 83 23 262 135 80 54 544 156 72 236 189 188 -.257 .67 0 N -.003
14 -4.119 21210 1151 514 82 23 143 73 80 55 544 156 72 128 1081 62 -4.265 .37 0 Y -4.119
15 .31 21105 453 156 84 25 622 286 82 57 568 156 73 560 400 496 .401 .86 0 N .31
16 -.067 21000 194 61 85 26 152 91 79 53 568 156 71 136 91 87 -.747 .3 0 N -.067
17 -.191 20895 433 169 85 25 417 211 79 52 544 156 71 375 366 320 -.194 .79 0 N -.191
18 -1.814 20790 2410 1147 87 24 1051 492 81 53 544 156 72 946 2814 800 -1.411 .94 0 N -1.814
19 -.03 20685 4846 2022 87 24 9034 3824 81 53 544 156 72 8138 6596 6459 .761 .96 0 N -.03
20 -.507 20580 756 274 86 60 674 265 78 52 544 156 70 607 753 530 -.32 .88 0 N -.507

Total number of rows: 22575

Table truncated, full table size 1912 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table

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