A cDNA microarray between X-radiation (XR) sensitive cell clone HCT116-Clone K and unirradiated control HCT116-Clone10 cells, a cell clone which has similar XR response with parental HCT116 cells. HCT116-CloneK cells were treated with XR at dose 4 Gy. Their total mRNA was collected 24 hours after XR from different batches and pooled together. RNA extraction was done using RNeasy Mini kit (Qiagen Inc.). Total mRNA from HCT116-CloneK or HCT116-Clone10 was labeled either with Cy5 or Cy3. This experiment was repeated three times with one of them was a reciprocal labeling. The arrays were scanned with ScanArray Express (Packard Bioscience). Acquired images were analyzed using QuantArray software version 3.0 (Packard Bioscience). The data was transformed with an Excel VBA macro Normaliser2 software (Institute for Biological Sciences, NRC, Ottawa, ON, Canada). Normaliser2 filtered the data by identifying problems with a spot on the array (flagging), which was then removed from the data set according to the set threshold i.e. spot intensity signal/sub array background less than 2.5, less than 5% spot intensity, and ignore spots with streak or damage. Note: FLAGS: IF, Ignore Filter; SB1 or 2, Substract Background CH1 or CH2; LI1 or 2, Low Intensity CH1 or CH2; HI1 or 2, High Intensity CH1 or CH2. VALUE: Ratio (Log2)(Regression SubArray Normalised)(LogIntensity)(SubArray Bkgd Subtracted).
Keywords = X-radiation (XR), XR sensitive, colorectal cancer cells, HCT1116 Lot batch = ChipNo12256971_19k3A