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WHO recommendations on maternal and newborn care for a positive postnatal experience [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2022.

Cover of WHO recommendations on maternal and newborn care for a positive postnatal experience

WHO recommendations on maternal and newborn care for a positive postnatal experience [Internet].

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Web SupplementEvidence base

Acronyms and abbreviations


25-hydroxyvitamin D (vitamin D)


antisecretory factor


apparently life-threatening event


confidence interval


common mental disorders




evidence base


Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation


hazard ratio




international units


mean difference


nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug


odds ratio


permanent bilateral hearing loss


pelvic floor muscle training


possible serious bacterial infection


randomized controlled trial


risk ratio


standardized mean difference


sudden infant death syndrome


sudden unexpected death in infancy


transcutaneous bilirubinometry


total serum bilirubin


universal newborn hearing screening


visual analogue scale

The standardized criteria used in grading the evidence and the GRADE tables have been published in this separate Web Supplement. These evidence tables are referred to within this document by number, prefixed with “EB” (for evidence base), for ease of reference.


A.2. Interventions for common physiological signs and symptoms

EB table A.2.3a. Pharmacological relief of pain due to uterine cramping/involution (pharmacological interventions compared with placebo)

Comparison 1: Paracetamol (oral, single-dose) compared with placebo (PDF, 192K)

Comparison 2: NSAIDs compared with placebo (PDF, 243K)

Comparison 3: Opioids compared with placebo (PDF, 192K)

EB table A.2.3b. Pharmacological relief of pain due to uterine cramping/involution (pharmacological interventions compared with other pharmacological interventions)

Comparison 1: Lower dose of an oral analgesic compared with a higher dose of the same analgesic (PDF, 209K)

Comparison 2: An oral analgesic compared with an alternative oral analgesic of the same class (PDF, 213K)

Comparison 3: An oral analgesic compared with an alternative oral analgesic from a different class (PDF, 265K)

EB table A.2.6. Pharmacological interventions to treat postpartum breast engorgement

Comparison 1: Subcutaneous oxytocin compared with placebo (PDF, 180K)

Comparison 2: Proteolytic enzymes compared with placebo (PDF, 218K)


B.2. Preventive measures

EB table B.2.2. Use of emollients for the prevention of skin conditions

Comparison: Topical emollients compared with no intervention or skin care without emollients (PDF, 202K)

EB table B.2.3. Application of chlorhexidine to the umbilical cord stump for the prevention of neonatal infection

Comparison: Routine application of chlorhexidine to the umbilical cord stump compared with dry cord care or usual care (PDF, 252K)

EB table B.2.4. Sleeping position for the prevention of sudden infant death syndrome

Comparison: Supine (back) sleep position compared with non-supine (prone or side) sleep position (PDF, 261K)

B.4. Infant growth and development

EB table B.4.1. Whole-body massage

Comparison: Whole-body massage compared with no massage (PDF, 277K)


EB table C.4. Approaches to strengthen preparation for discharge from the facility to home after birth

Comparison 1: Written education booklets for women compared with control leaflets (PDF, 221K)

Comparison 2: Discharge education by a designated nurse compared with usual care (PDF, 208K)

EB table C.5b. Home visits for postnatal care contacts compared with routine outpatient postnatal care

Comparison: Home visits for postnatal care contacts compared with routine outpatient postnatal care (PDF, 223K)

Note: The labelling convention in this document (e.g. “EB table A.2.1”) aligns with the evidence and recommendations of the guideline. GRADE tables are shown only where applicable for new and/or updated recommendations (not integrated recommendations); therefore, numbers may not be presented in consecutive order in this document.

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Bookshelf ID: NBK579659


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